Shipping Policy
Shipping Policy - Vast Finds
At Vast Finds, we are committed to ensuring your shopping experience is smooth and convenient. Please take a moment to review our shipping policy.
1. Processing Time
Orders are processed within 1-3 business days after payment confirmation for online payments. For Cash on Delivery (COD) orders, processing may take a bit longer as we verify the payment details.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email notification with tracking information.
2. Shipping Times
Estimated shipping times vary depending on the productβs origin. Generally, it takes between 7-20 business days for your order to reach you.
International shipping times may vary, and delivery times depend on the shipping destination.
3. Shipping Rates
Shipping is completely free on all orders, regardless of order value or destination.
4. Order Changes & Cancellations
Orders may be modified or canceled within 24 hours of placing the order. After this period, we may not be able to accommodate changes due to our suppliers' processing times.
5. Lost or Damaged Packages
If your package is lost or damaged in transit, please contact us within 7 days of the expected delivery date. We will work with the shipping carrier to resolve the issue.
6. Delivery Delays
Delivery times are estimates, and sometimes, delays may occur due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g., customs delays, weather, etc.). We appreciate your understanding during such times.
7. Multiple Shipments
If your order contains multiple items, they may ship separately, depending on the availability of products from different suppliers.
8. Address Accuracy
Please ensure that your shipping address is accurate. We are not responsible for delays or issues caused by incorrect or incomplete addresses.
Thank you for choosing Vast Finds! We are dedicated to providing you with high-quality products and excellent customer service. If you have any questions regarding your order or shipping, feel free to contact us at